Mahmoud Tawfieq


Mahmoud Tawfieq is from Denmark and received his Bachelor and Master degrees in Physics and Nanotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). In 2015, he made his Master thesis entitled “Noise Transfer from Laser Sources to Bio-images” at the Department of Photonics Engineering at DTU. During his Master studies, he worked with diode lasers for biomedical applications, laser noise and non-linear frequency generation.

In 2015 he joined the Ferdinand-Braun-Institute as a PhD student, where his main objective is to develop tuneable high-power MOPA systems for the Mid-TECH project. The specific objective of this project is to develop highly tunable, high-power MOPA-based diode laser systems, which serves as the pumping sources in the up-conversion process. By tuning the wavelength of the pump source, different parts of the IR spectrum are up-converted, thereby sweeping the different absorption peaks of the detected signal/sample. Thus up-converting a broad part of the IR spectrum into the visible region, which enables hyper-spectral imaging and spectroscopy in the IR-region. In particular, this would be implemented for cancer diagnostics, combustion analysis and absorption/DIAL spectroscopy.

Email:            Tel: +49 30 6392 2767

Link to Research Group at Ferdinand-Braun-Institut
24 APRIL 2024